Kaliurang tourism - Kaliurang is a tourist spot located in the province of Yogyakarta, precisely in Sleman, on the border with the province of Central Java. Access to the Ground is very easy. At least with walking or riding buses, taxis, motorcycle taxis or travel pass Road Kaliurang. From the city center to the Kaliurang takes approximately 1 hour.
Kaliurang located in the area of high plateau many resort or a resort because of the cool air. So here there are many villas lodging, most people around the house call. Places most visited by tourists both domestic and abroad is Tlaga Princess.
In Kaliurang there is a historic building that is Wisma Kaliurang. There never occurred Special Negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia with Three-State Commission on January 13, 1948. The Negotiations Kaliurang bear a Kaliurang Notulen . Republic of Indonesia was represented by President Soekarno, Vice President Mohammad Hatta, AM Syahrir and General Sudirman. While the Dutch delegation was represented by Paul Van Zeeland (Belgium), Richard Kirby (Australia), and Dr. Frank Graham (USA). In the negotiations, Frank Graham saying the popular phrase, that "You are what you are from bullets to the ballots". In addition there is the Villa Van Rezink buildings in the north of Parks Recreation Kids